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The Author: S KALRA

Prof. Rajinder Mohan Kalra is Emeritus Professor, International Institute of Adult and Life Long Education (India) and former Dean (Academic), Professor and Head, Department of Measurement and Evaluation, National Institute of Education (NCERT). He has been advisor/ consultant/Project Director in International Educational Organizations (UN/World Bank). He has authored numerous books with a foreword from Rev. Mother Teresa and His Holiness Dalai Lama.
Dr. Rakesh K. Mehta (MD; FRCPC; FACP) is chief Haematology/ Oncology, VA Hudson Valley Hospital New York. He is also faculty member of New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York. He is an internationally respected member of medical fraternity and is interested in health education of adolescents in India.
Mrs. S. Kalra is co-author of a book entitled AIDS and Adolescents - A New Generation at Risk. She has worked with disadvantaged sections of the society and has several years of experience working with students having intellectual and emotional problems.

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